Magic Tricks

SPINNERETS DVD + 12 Gimmicks Included: Spin Webs Like a Spider
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“…I definitely think this is a leap for all of us thread workers. That floating spinning bottle is a killer! This DVD is a must have. Congratulations Steve!…”
-Mariano Goñi-
“I’ve only had these for a short time but I assure you they absolutely live up to every claim Steven has made.”
-Andre Hagen-
“Definitely get this, you will be happy with your purchase.”
-Paul Romhany-
“It looks like something out of a Matrix film and I thought the hookup would be immensely difficult, but it’s not!”
-Sean Heydon-
“Use them, you will. It’s all very well produced and packaged.”
-David Regal-
Magic Tricks
X COIN BEND: Affordable Signed Coin Bend
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“Overall this is an extremely practical and original method for bending a coin. The fact it uses ordinary coins and the bent coin is signed makes this a fantastic routine for any walk-about condition.
-Paul Romhany-
“If you are looking to add a bent coin effect to your repertoire, this is one of the best methods I’ve seen for using pre-bent coins. If you already do a coin bend using pre-bent coins, then this is also for you because the method for concealing the pre-bent coin will definitely improve your current handling.”
-Jeff Stone-
“X Coin Bend is a solid exploration of the coin bend and well suited for those who don’t want to purchase the expensive real-time benders.”
-Magic Junkie-
“I was surprised how deceptive this really is.”
Magic Tricks
PEN-NOMENON: Discover The Power Of Spirit Writing
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“This is a very magical and spooky visual effect that would certainly surprise and fool your audiences.”
-Eugene Burger-
“This DVD is packed with many different ways to hook up and two different ways to get the message. You don’t even need a force for one of them. All in all a very solid trick. I like this.”
-James Linn-
“Properly performed, the sight of the mysterious moving pen gives an eerie sensation to the audience.”
-John Teo-
“The real strength of this idea is in the visual nature of the moving pen and the invocation of spirits and ghosts as part of the plot.”
Joe M. Turner
Magic Tricks
SPACE BOTTLE 2.0: Discover The Power!
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“It is strikingly visual and something you’d expect to see David Blaine or Chris Angel perform but without all the special FX.”
-Paul Romhany-
“It is definitely eye candy…”
-Xeon Steel-
“They are easy to get into and out of and can be set up right under the spectator’s nose.”
“I’m a sucker for invisible thread routines and gimmicks, I found Space Bottle 2.0 to be one of the easier ones to set up and use.”
-Fred Rosenbaum-
For other Steven X Magic Tricks Click here!