Space Bottle 2.0 Free Shipping Worldwide

(3 customer reviews)


[huge_it_videogallery id=”6″]Space Bottle 2.0 is a new generation of levitation. Your spectators will be amazed as THEIR borrowed bottle rotates and levitates as it magically travels from your hands to the trash. This is a POWERFUL, DYNAMIC, levitation that you can do at a moments notice and instantly repeat. You will LOVE the reactions you get with this! Boost your bookings and your reputation with Space Bottle 2.0.

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Space Bottle 2.0 is a new generation of levitation. Your spectators will be amazed as THEIR borrowed bottle rotates and levitates as it magically travels from your hands to the trash. This is a POWERFUL, DYNAMIC, levitation that you can do at a moments notice and instantly repeat. You will LOVE the reactions you get with this! Boost your bookings and your reputation with Space Bottle 2.0.

Requires no motors or retractable devices.
Borrow any plastic bottle. Including ketchup, mustard, or soda. Use your imagination.
Hands start and end clean.
Float Sharpie or other writing devices.
No pre-show.
Easy to get in and out of.
Float your bottle or writing device at a moments notice.

Space Bottle 2.0 comes complete with DVD and gimmick.

Space Bottle 2.0 packs small and plays BIG! Don’t just throw your bottles away, float them away! Discover the power of Space Bottle 2.0 in YOU! Get your copy today!



It is strikingly visual and something you’d expect to see David Blaine or Chris Angel perform but without all the special FX.  Paul Romhany


I’m a sucker for invisible thread routines and gimmicks, I found Space Bottle 2.0 to be one of the easier ones to set up and use.  Fred Rosenbaum